Because Finishing School is hard to explain, try it out.

Every year, Frosh Week will start what WAS the school year, and, once you're finished with school, still feels like the new year.

In our first year, this year, 2020, we created a course called Find Your Feet.


noun, informal.

  1. The period before the start of academic classes held at major universities to orient and welcome new students. “This week is designed to make you collaborate, scream until you lose your voice, and be around swarms of people for hours at a time.” Activities include outdoor games, dance routines, parties, concerts, and general post-adolescent debacles.


noun, informal, enjoyable, insightful.

  1. Our introduction to Finishing School. Art-therapy inspired activities done solo or with a group of friends to help you find your feet and orient yourself for the upcoming year (whether you are returning to school or not, whether you are 20-something or not, whether you feel artistic or not).
  2. Frosh week at Finishing School is for everyone who wants to re-align their internal GPS and find their bearings within an uncertain, ever-changing world. 

Finishing School is

art therapy inspired

adulting for 20-somethings

graduating from childhood and moving into the real grown up world.

Located somewhere in the crossroads between school and therapy, art class and life coaching, home economics and philosophy, Finishing School teaches the day-to-day skills of being human in an uncertain world. Because adulting is much more than getting a good job and moving out of your parent’s house. It is about defining who you are and how you carry yourself in the world. And as you may have already experienced, this is no easy task. At Finishing School we welcome your Big Questions about life AND wonder about them with you. Inspired by community, curiosity, creativity, consistency, and humour, Finishing School is where you practice the art of showing up with others and finding your way.